Challenge 25

Challenge 25 is a retailing strategy that encourages anyone who is over 18 but looks under 25 to carry acceptable ID (a card bearing the PASS hologram, a photographic driving license or a passport) if they wish to buy alcohol.

c25 2 lo resChallenge 25 builds on the highly successful Challenge 21 campaign developed by the Retail of Alcohol Standards Group in 2005. Challenge 21 proved an effective tool to tackle underage purchase, and research has demonstrated that 90% of 18-24 years olds are aware of the Challenge 21 scheme.

However, with levels of sales to minors still not low enough and the personal consequences of illegal sales for the member of shop staff more severe, retailer employees requested a program which gives them a greater backing and a higher margin of error in challenging customers for proof of age.

RASG has developed a suite of designs, from posters to shelf barkers to badges, to reinforce the message throughout the store. The new signage in red and black adds a fresh and striking look and makes it clear that under 25s must now expect to be challenged to prove their age. It also spells out the heavy fines which could follow for those caught breaking the law. The signage rolled out in RASG member stores across the UK in 2009 and since then the uniform look has ensured recognition and awareness by consumers up and down the country.

A guide on how to adopt Challenge 25 can be downloaded here.

A model refusal log can be downloaded here.

“Rising to the Challenge”: A report into the application and impact of Challenge 25 can be viewed here.

Proxy purchasing and Underage Purchasingc25 6 lo res

Much of RASG’s work has been aimed at fostering cultural change; tackling the demand side of underage drinking by making it unacceptable for underage people to attempt to buy alcohol or have adults buy it for them (proxy purchasing). To raise public awareness of the fact that these are in fact crimes that carry real penalties, the poster range also includes two posters setting out the facts on underage and proxy purchasing.

Challenge 25 resources



RASG is committed to sharing best practice throughout the entire trade and the signage is freely available for download via the links below. Please note that if you download and use this signage you may not make any changes to the design without the permission of RASG c/o the WSTA.

Please note that we are not able to provide printed signage or badges.

Challenge 25:

Main Poster Underage Purchasing Proxy Purchasing Age Restricted Goods
Badge (1) Badge ( 2) Shelfslider  Poster with MOD ID


Posters with fines correct for Scotland:

Proxy Purchasing  Underage Purchasing


Welsh Language Signs:


 Main Poster  Underage Purchasing  Proxy Purchasing  Shelfslider  Badge (1)  Badge (2)